Create and configure work

Creating and configuring jobs in Skedulo


A job represents a unit of work to be undertaken by one or more resources for an account. When a job is created, it can be given a description, duration, and an indication of the requirements to complete that job.

The job is given a status that reflects its progress through the job workflow.

Refer to Job Lifecycle for more details.

Schedule and allocate jobs

You can schedule a job by giving it a start time. After a job has been scheduled, you can allocate the job to one or more resources for completion.

Allocating the job creates a job allocation, which stores information about the resource’s progress on completing the job.

Dispatch jobs

After the job is allocated you can dispatch it to the resource.

This sends a notification to their mobile device (using their preferred mechanisms such as a push notification or SMS). The resource can then either accept or reject the job (it is also possible to configure the job so that a resource cannot reject it).

Job workflow

As the resource completes part of their work the job allocation will be updated, which is reflected in the job status.

For instance, when the resource is ready to start the job, they will move it to the "In Progress" state. The Skedulo v2 mobile app will also track the resource’s travel time as they progress through the job.

Job attachments

Jobs can include attachments, such as documents or images, that are collected as part of the process of completing the work. Jobs can also include custom fields, which can track additional information specific to your application.

It is possible to define a custom UI to update these fields in both the web and mobile apps.

Job assets

Typically, the resources you will work with will be people, but it is also possible to define a resource as an asset. Assets cannot be logged in, but they can be allocated to a job in the same way that people can.

Job lifecycle

Skedulo job and allocation lifecycle.

Job start and end times

Setting job start and end time fields.

Job time constraints

Adding time constraints to jobs

Create a new job or activity with pre-filled data

Automatically create a new job or activity with data from a URL