Introduction to pages

Understanding pages on the Skedulo Pulse Platform.


On the Skedulo Pulse Platform, pages are similar to standard Web pages, but they include features that enable you to access, display, and update your organization’s data. They can be referenced and invoked via a unique URL, just as they would be on a traditional web server.

When you create a custom object, a set of pages is automatically generated by the system in response. You can customize these pages or create your own using Skedulo’s library of UI components.

Tenant and System level pages

All pages in Skedulo are designated as being either Tenant or System level.

  • System level pages are created for standard Skedulo objects and are managed by Skedulo. As such, they are read-only. In order to customize a page for a standard object, use Duplicate page.
  • Tenant level pages are auto-generated when custom objects are created and are customizable. Any page created using Create new or Duplicate page is tenant-level.

Page categories

Pages can be loosely grouped into the following three categories:

Record pages

Record pages are CRUD pages that are automatically generated by the system in response to an object being created. They are used for viewing, modifying, and creating records. They are customizable using Horizon and Breeze components so you can control the data which is exposed and how the page is rendered.

List view pages

A list view page defines the data that appears when a user navigates to a list of records for a given object. When a user views a list view page, it usually displays a subset of the fields belonging to the object. List views are incredibly powerful due to their personalization capabilities. Choose what data is available to be displayed and how it is displayed, and then further customize this data through filtering, sorting, and column configuration.

Custom pages

Expand and curate your own experience on the Skedulo Pulse Platform. On the Platform Pages page, click Create New to create a custom page using our Horizon and Breeze components.


The pages generated for standard and custom objects inherit their properties from a set of standard pages:

  • base-recordcreate. The default Create record page for standard and custom objects inherits properties from this page.
  • base-recordedit. The default Edit record page for standard and custom objects inherits properties from this page.
  • base-recordview. The default View record page for standard and custom objects inherits properties from this page.
  • base-listview. The default List view page for standard and custom objects inherits properties from this page.

These pages contain the components that define which data is exposed on the page and how it is presented.

Inheritance is leveraged using the extends tag. For example, looking at the default -create page for the Arcade Games object in Editor mode, you can see that it extends the base-recordcreate page:

{% extends "base-recordcreate" %}

{% set resource_name="Arcade-Games" %}
{% set validation_schema="ArcadeGamesCreate" %}

Content on the base- pages can be overriden by adding components your object’s page. For more information about customizing pages, follow along with the walkthrough, refer to Customize list views, or visit the Design System storybook.

An inheritance chain can be as long as you like, for example, you could create a new page that inherits properties from, or extends, the arcade-games-create page.

What are components?

Components are reusable parts of the user interface that have been made to support a variety of applications. It’s possible to use components in many different pages and contexts.

All available components can be found in the component libraries:

  • Design System storybook. This contains all of the development instructions and core base level components for building effective user interfaces. Breeze UI components are used to build Horizon components to ensure consistent UI experiences.

  • Horizon UI component library. Horizon components are experiential components that are formed from Breeze UI elements and introduce data, logic and state..

Access your pages

A full list of the standard and custom page pages accessible on your tenant can be found on the Platform page. To view this page, navigate to Settings > Developer tools > Platform settings (beta).