List page components


List page data components, or components, are used to render a view for each child page from the list page component.

These components cannot be used elsewhere, such as flat pages. The list page data components render a view for each child page from the list page component sourceExpression property.

Abstract List Page Data Component

The Abstract List Page Data Component is like a blueprint for all the child components mentioned below it in the UI definition. Any properties defined in this abstract component will be inherited and usable for all the components beneath it.

Title and caption component

List item components can be seen as units or items that display in a tabular manner. Each tile, or “cell” in the table, can have a title and caption.

Property Description
type "titleAndCaption"
title The title of the cell row. Renders as the first line of the child cell.
Localized expression string
caption The caption of the cell row. Renders as the second line of the child cell.
Localized expression string


"itemLayout": {
  "type": "titleAndCaption",
  "title": "LineItemsListPage.ItemTitle",
  "caption": "LineItemsListPage.ItemCaption",

The titleAndCaption data component

Property Description
useAttachment Defines if the cell row is able to show attachments.
tags The tags used for an item in the list view.


The useAttachments property in the ui_def.json file is used to display an image or images in a cell row on a List Page.

Property Description
categoryName/undefined The category of the attachments belong to the item context that is being rendered.
If this is undefined, all images from that item context will be displayed.
style singleBig / singleSmall.
The image display style.

The following example shows how to use the useAttachments property to display images in a cell row on a List Page:

"itemLayout": {
  "type": "titleAndCaption",
  "title": "LineItemsListPage.ItemTitle",
  "caption": "LineItemsListPage.ItemCaption",
  "useAttachments": {
    "style": "singleSmall"

The metadata.json file for this extension also includes the following property, which tells the extension engine which object in the item context has attachments:

"hasAttachments": ["ReplacementTicketLineItem"],

A screenshot showing a mobile extension with images of plants in each row, plus a title and caption list page component and the ui_def.json file showing the properties that define these components.

singleBig style

The cell fetches the latest image and displays it in the cell row. If there are multiple images, the first image will be displayed.

A cell row with a singleBig style image

singleSmall style

The cell fetches the latest image and displays it in the cell row as a small image alongside other list page data. If there are multiple images, the first image will be displayed.

A cell row with a singleSmall style image


The tags property is used to display one or more tags in a cell row on a List Page.

Property Description
items An array of tags to be displayed in the cell row.
items[].themeValueExpression The expression that returns the value of the tag.
Values are success,primary, ordefault
Also supports [branching logic].

The following example shows how to use tags to define the status of tickets that need to be approved and submitted:

"itemLayout": {
  "type": "titleAndCaption",
  "title": "LineItemsListPage.ItemTitle",
  "caption": "LineItemsListPage.ItemCaption",
  "useAttachments": {
    "style": "singleSmall"
  "tags": {
    "type": "fixed",
    "items": [
        "text": "LineItemsListPage.ItemStatus",
        "themeValueExpression": [
            "condition": "item.Status == 'Ticket Approved'",
            "value": "success"
            "condition": "item.Status == 'Submitted'",
            "value": "primary"
            "value": "default"

ThethemeValueExpression deviates from the conventional string expression format, as it assumes the form of an array object. This array object includes the subsequent properties:

  • condition: This property represents the condition to check. It should be a data expression that ultimately results in a boolean value.

  • value: The value property corresponds to the data expression value. If the condition is met, this value will be returned.

In the example provided, themeValueExpression behaves in the following way when asked to return a value:

  • If the condition item.Status == 'Ticket Approved' is met, the value success is returned.
  • If the condition item.Status == 'Submitted' is met, the value primary is returned.
  • Otherwise, the value default is returned.

A screenshot of a mobile extension showing tickets in various stages of approval with tags showing their status

However, if you don’t require this branching logic, you can simplify the themeValueExpression in the following way:

"themeValueExpression": "success"

With this configuration, the themeValueExpression will always return the success vale, regardless of the condition.