Text view

A simple text field to show basic context in a flat page.


The textView component is used to render simple text in a flat page. This component allows you to display basic information on a flat page to provide context to the user.

Text view component example

The following example demonstrates how the text view component appears in the UI Components Showcase example form.

You can download our example forms, including the UI Components Showcase from the Skedulo Plus Examples repository.

Text view component

Text view component properties

Property Description
Common flat page editor components Common properties in Flat page components.
title The title of the field
text A localized string

Example configuration

The following example demonstrates how the textView component in the example above is configured in the ui_def.json file of the UI Components Showcase example form.


    "type": "textView",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.TextViewTitle",
    "text": "form.ShowCasePage.TextViewText"


    "TextViewSection": "Text views section",
    "TextViewTitle": "Text view title",
    "TextViewText": "Text view content",