Configure dynamic messaging


These settings let you customize how Dynamic messaging is used in your Skedulo system. Dynamic messaging is a Skedulo accelerator product that injects instant messaging capabilities into the web and mobile apps. It provides a quick and flexible way of communication platform for resources in the office or in the field to stay up to date on information they need to complete their work throughout the day.

Managing how messaging can be used

The messaging settings determine how users in general can use messaging, and specifically what resources are able to do.

To change how messaging is used, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Messaging.
  2. Click to enable or disable settings, as required. See the table of available settings below for details.
  3. To apply changes, click Save. To go back without changing the settings, click Cancel.

Available settings

Channels are dedicated spaces where conversations and discussions over a topic can be held within a group of people.

Setting Description
Allow users to edit their own messages These settings make it possible for users (all users) to make changes to messages that they have sent.
Allow users to delete their own messages These settings make it possible for users (all users) to delete messages that they have sent.
Allow resources to add channel members These settings are required for resources to send and receive direct messages, and create channels. Resource users must also have Messaging permissions via their role.
Allow direct messages
Allow resources to create public channels
Allow resources to create private channels

For more information, see Dynamic messaging.