Setting up Single Sign-On

To configure Single Sign-On for Skedulo, complete these high-level steps.

Step 1: Submit a support request to enable Single Sign-On

Submit a request with Skedulo Support with the following information. If however your organization is currently going through onboarding please contact your implementation team for additional support.

Information Description
Identity provider Your chosen identity provider. Below are the list of currently supported providers.

  • Google (Open ID Connect)
  • Okta (Open ID Connect)
  • Azure AD (Open ID Connect)
Tenant Id Provide the Tenant ID of the environments you wish to enable Single Sign-On for. Note: Your Tenant ID is unique to each environment.

Your Tenant ID can be found in Settings > Developer Tools > Authentication Info

Step 2: Configure your identity provider

You will be provided detailed instructions on how to configure your selected identity provider by your support agent.

Step 3: Provide your configuration information to Skedulo

Provide the following information to your support agent depending on your selected identity Provider. Once provided Skedulo will be able to complete your Single Sign-On setup.

Provider Required information
  • ClientId
  • ClientId
  • Issuer URL
Azure AD
  • Application (client) ID
  • OpenID Connect metadata document URL

Step 4: Add Single Sign-On users to your Skedulo Environment

Single Sign-On users can be created: