Configure scheduling rules


The Rule conflicts console lists instances where schedules break one or more core scheduling rules. These rules can be configured (turned on or off) by an administrator for each Skedulo environment.

When a rule is turned off, the rules service no longer evaluates scheduling events or creates conflict records when a job record is in conflict with that rule. If a conflict record is generated for a rule that is then turned off, it will continue to show in the web app, even if the rule is turned on again.

When a core rule is turned on, the rules service begins to evaluate any new events (new job records or changes to an existing record), but it won’t automatically revaluate any existing conflict records for that rule (if it had previously been active).

Configure rules

To turn core scheduling rules on or off, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Rules and conflicts.
  2. Click to select rules to turn on or deselect to turn off.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes in rule configuration, or Cancel to undo changes.

Summary of core rules

Rule Violation conditions
Account exclusion A resource on the account’s exclusion list has been allocated a job.
Account inclusion A resource that is not on the account’s inclusion list has been allocated to a job.
Job dependencies A job dependency constraint between two jobs has been violated.
Location exclusion A resource on the location’s exclusion list has been allocated a job.
Location inclusion A resource that is not on the location’s inclusion list has been allocated to a job.
Over-allocated The number of resources allocated to a job exceeds its resource requirements.
Overlap There is an overlap between records of work (job allocation or activity) for a given resource.
Resource inactive Work is allocated to a resource with status of “Inactive“.
Resource unavailable Work allocated to a resource is fully or partially outside of their availability.
Time constraints A job is scheduled outside of any time constraints that have been defined for it.
Tags: optional A resource without the required optional tags has been allocated to a job.
Tags: required A resource without the required non-optional tags has been allocated to a job.
Travel time There is insufficient time for a resource to travel from the address of one work item to the address of the next item. For more information about this rule, see the developer documentation.

For more information about the Rules services and scheduling rules, see the user guide and developer documentation.